Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween by Eva Huckova

Last week was a little busy. The week started with the University Athletics Halloween Party and ended with the Utah Ute’s football blackout game on Saturday. The alpine dry-land program changed on Monday and the workouts got much longer; strength lasted about 2 hours and we didn’t even finish the program. To get people ready for skiing we have been doing a lot of quickness drills, explosive strength work and balance exercises. I am not sure what is going on with the Nordic training but I have no doubt they are getting ready for snow as well.

Halloween was a chance for people to let loose and be whatever they wanted to be. It was a good chance for the entire team to get together and bond. Because the football game was a blackout most people wither covered their costumes or didn’t wear them to the game. I have to say the two biggest surprises were Tom in his cape and the 4 boys who were the Jamaican Bobsled team, they had the sled to prove it. We are all looking forward to getting on snow and being done with dry-land, so think snow. And don’t forget about the Utah Ski Team Tuning and Waxing Fundraiser from November 6 to the 8- that is this weekend so be ready.

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